Those Repubs Need to Smoke a Joint
Monday, November 29th, 2004The Supreme Court is facing the issue of medical marijuana. Naturally, our knights in shining armour, the upholders of all that is good and just and in the name of our saviour, Jebus, are there to protect all of us from the evil REEFER.
Their arguments?
More than 20,000 people die each year because of drug abuse. Ruling for medical marijuana would help drug traffickers avoid arrest, increase the marijuana supply and send a message that illegal drugs are good.
Okay, since none of those make any sense, let’s see how the Bush admin weighed in:
The Bush administration argues that Congress has found no accepted medical use of marijuana and needs to be able to eradicate drug trafficking and its social harms.
Well, I must really be out of the loop. I did not realize Congress was testing marijuana to see if it had an acceptable medicinal use. No one tells me shit apparently.
So, here’s my message to Bush and these idiots lawyers… Want a real drug problem to deal with? How about we start with Nicotine. Then, we could move on the Alcohol. Or even Oxycontin. Those cause a few more deaths per year.
As for Mrs. Anonymous who grows her 10 bushes in her back yard to keep her standard of living even just BARELY above screaming in pain at all times… leave her the fuck alone.