Archive for December, 2002
Monday, December 30th, 2002
1. Stay in or go out on New Year’s Eve?
Staying In.
2. If you stay home, do you stay up to ring in the new year, or fall asleep earlier?
I ring in the New Year
3. If you go out, do you prefer to attend a party at someone’s home, or go to a bar/nightclub/restaurant?
IF I was going out, I would go to a nightclub.
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Posted in Blather | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 29th, 2002
When I get one here, especially one who calls me names and expects me to reply, I do as God would do.
I smite them.
(otherwise known as my delete key)
Chickenshittedness is my pet peeve.
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Posted in Rant | Comments Off
Sunday, December 29th, 2002
Is it possible to fall in love so quickly?
A week ago, I did not know you existed. My life was fine.
And now, since we’ve met, nothing is the same. I am excited all the time, I giggle with unbridled happiness and I cannot keep this to myself.
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Posted in Rant | 4 Comments »
Sunday, December 29th, 2002
yeah, I am late. Oh, bother.
1. You’re a young actor belonging to a racial minority. Your first big movie role requires you to play a demeaning racial stereotype. Do you?
Hmmmmmm. I don’t think I would. But, on the other hand, one could argue that playing a slave would be a demeaning racial stereotype for a young African-American actor, but the role could be excellent. So, I change my answer to it would depend on the entire movie.
2. You worry that some of your sexual fantasies might be a little perverse. Do you repress these thoughts?
*giggles* Perverse? Moi? Actually, I do not worry about my fantasies. They’re just fantasies after all. Actually acting on them might be the perverse part.
3. You’re a copilot on a passenger jet. There’s an emergency and you must land immediately. The Captain insists on time consuming procedures. Do you knock him out and take control?
Hand me the fire extinguisher, honey, the Captain needs a nap!
from: Villa Santiago
Posted in Memes | 1 Comment »
Saturday, December 28th, 2002
First bathroom ever on Trading Spaces and they give it to Hildy.
I watched in horror, there was no other feeling I was having except horror. That and a little math in my head, trying to figure out how many staples 6,000 fake flowers attached to the walls was going to take.
Don’t believe me? Go look!
That woman is a MENACE!!!!!!!!!
On the plus side…
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Posted in Entertainment | 9 Comments »
Friday, December 27th, 2002
This is one of my favoritest sites of all time.
I have been enjoying Avocado Dreams for several years now.
I did happen to grow up in Burbank, California, so the site has special meaning for me. But even if you did not, you should enjoy this walk back into the time of avocado shag rugs.
Posted in Pimpin' | 2 Comments »
Friday, December 27th, 2002
I am excited about this quiz!
Which Science Fiction Author are You?
I am James Tiptree, Jr. Be sure to visit the website to see a picture of HER!
I never heard of this author, but I am off to find out more about her!
Thanks to Scott’s-The Gamer’s Nook
Posted in Pimpin' | 3 Comments »
Friday, December 27th, 2002
Now, there is the Anonymous Message Server. Rant away, anonymously, and see what the person before you left.
My person disclosed they had been a virgin until 30. I am not telling what I wrote. *grins*
Posted in Pimpin' | 1 Comment »
Thursday, December 26th, 2002
Holidays are always an enigma to me. As I drove around last night on my way home last night, I saw brightly decorated homes, lights twinkling and yet I wondered… is there anyone around who is really happy tonight?
I don’t think I am going to write much more about it, why rehash it.
Time to move on!
Posted in Blather | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, December 24th, 2002
No matter how you celebrate this day called Christmas, I hope your day is happy and that you have lots of love in your life.
Posted in Blather | 7 Comments »
Monday, December 23rd, 2002
Right-click and take this little wreath. Link back to the site you took it from. Leave a message in the comments if you use it so we can all see where it goes! Let’s celebrate the Holidays around the Web! I got mine from “My Single Mom Life”
Posted in Pimpin' | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 22nd, 2002
Posted in Rant | 4 Comments »
Sunday, December 22nd, 2002
I don’t normally tell people about my deep secret…
a secret obsession of mine.
If I do not get this, I get cranky. I mope. I get impatient, waiting for the next one.
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Posted in Blather | 3 Comments »
Saturday, December 21st, 2002
This is in response to Scott’s Ten Reasons Why a Christmas Tree is Better than a Woman
To that, I respond on behalf of my sistah’s
Ten Reasons Why a Christmas Tree is Better than a Man
10. A Christmas Tree won’t care what time of the month it is.
9. A Christmas Tree won’t fall asleep too soon.
8. A Christmas Tree won’t come home late, stinking of beer.
7. A Christmas Tree won’t jam the freezer with food you don’t like.
6. A Christmas Tree won’t grab cash from your purse while you’re asleep.
5. You won’t find out that a Christmas Tree is: married, on penicillin, or trying to screw your sister.
4. You know big the Christmas tree is before you take it home.
3. A Christmas Tree won’t fall asleep on your chest or drool on the pillow.
2. A Christmas Tree won’t make you sleep on the wet spot.
and the number one reason a Christmas Tree is better than a man?
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Posted in Memes | 2 Comments »
Friday, December 20th, 2002
1. What holiday or holidays do you celebrate this time of year? I really just celebrate the season more… and give gifts at Christmas time.
2. What was the best gift you have ever received? Gosh. The Best Gift was being here last Christmas with my mom, who unexpectedly passed away a few days later.
3. What was the worst gift you’ve ever given? A potpourri candle thing and the potpourri had gone bad and was moldy. SO embarrassing.
4. Where will you be celebrating the holidays? Are you hosting? Going away? Working, and then going on a short car ride to family.
5. If you could spend the holidays with someone who isn’t around, who would it be with? Why? My mother. Because I did not get to say goodbye. And Keesa. Because I want to hold her again.
Posted in Memes | No Comments »
Friday, December 20th, 2002
that I would be good even if i did nothing
that I would be good even if i got the thumbs down
that I would be good if i got and stayed sick
that I would be good even if I gained ten pounds
that I would be fine even if I went bankrupt
that I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth
that I would be great if I was no longer Queen
that I would be grand if I was not all knowing
that I would be loved even when I numb myself
that I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
that I would be loved even when i was fuming
that I would be good even if I was clingy
that I would be good even if I lost sanity
that I would be good
whether with or without you
alanis morrissette - that i would be good.
Posted in Lyrics.Poems.Quotes | Comments Off
Thursday, December 19th, 2002
This is a darling flash animation.
I just love it! And I hope you check it out.
it’s all gone now.
The song is called Wind’s Nocturne.
Posted in Pimpin' | 5 Comments »
Wednesday, December 18th, 2002
Well, I finally got a part-time job! The pay is not very good, but the work is awesome! I am very excited about it. And, I get to work from home! That makes it even better.
As for my mental state, things are getting better, thanks to the miracles of modern medicine. I am UBER tired, but am feeling more evened out.
My sister survived her surgery.
Let’s see, what other enticing news items can I inject?
None. I am too tired. More tomorrow.
Posted in Blather | 9 Comments »
Wednesday, December 18th, 2002
Well, it turns out I am 56% gay!
Who knew?
How about you?
Posted in Memes | 16 Comments »
Monday, December 16th, 2002
Now you can watch his video over and over and over and over and……..
And be sure to visit his website!
There’s even a Will Kemp Yahoo Group!
(nice topless photo there!)
Posted in Pimpin' | 13 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
Kidnappers demand $800 in small bills if the owners ever want to see their baby Jesus again!
No other baby Jesus’ (Jesui, Jesuses?) in the neighborhood were missing.
The ransom note was signed:
“Me, him and the other kid who was really scared and didn’t want to take your baby Jesus and the whole time all he did was say stuff like you’re going to hell, this isn’t right, stop.”
Going to hell for stealing a plastic baby Jesus. Leaving poor Mary and Joseph there, alone, with only an empty manger for their empty eyes to stare into. God hath no fury like this, when a replica of his only begotten son gets stolen. Even if this particular one God thinks was a little thinner than the real thing, and the real one was born with that peculiar thing growing on his elbow. God is still pissed.
At least they left them the plastic cows so they have food.
I am NOT making this up!!!
Posted in Rant | 3 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
From an article at the Washington Post:
The officials said Bush and his aides believe Democrats are hypocritically exploiting the issue out of partisan opportunism, and that the absence of news from the war on terrorism last week contributed to the focus on Lott. The officials said Bush would oppose any effort by Democrats to undermine Lott.
This sounds like Wag the Dog to me. Are Bush and his aides running around saying “Get more out there about the war on terrorism so the country doesn’t pay attention to what we are really saying!” ?
S C A R Y.
Posted in Rant | 2 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
December 12, Dubya announces plans to relax environmental regulations. This affects 10 of our national forests. His excuse?
“Dense overgrown forests and range lands have grown like a cancer. They need to be treated.”
The real reason? He’s got to give the timber industry something. They could not get it through Congress, but Dubya will just hand it to them.
Their plans are flawed, all they want is that old growth timber. This sucks.
Maybe it is because I am older, but I have honestly never felt afraid of a President before. This one has me losing sleep.
Full Text of Article Here
Posted in Rant | 2 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
What kind of lawyer would even take this case???
A guy is suing, claiming he was injured by a firefighter on 9/11…a fractured hand.
This horrific injury did not stop him from attempting to rape someone last June.
I got this gem from Scott-The Gamer’s Nook
Posted in Rant | 4 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
My sister’s dog just bit me!! Again. Can you imagine if he had been about one inch lower? Or if he had not hit skull with his teeth?
Do not click to see picture if you are squeamish.
View damage.
I am sorry but I think it is time for Winston to go to heaven.
Little fucker!
This is the second time he has got me in the face.
Fuck. I am upset. It is frightening when a dog is going at you.
Posted in Rant | 12 Comments »
Sunday, December 15th, 2002
You may not have known this about me but I am a pillow slut. I have about 10 pillows on my bed at all times, and I use them well and then toss them to the dogs when I am through with them.
Today, I saw this lovely. It’s called a Reader’s Futon.
You can fold it all different ways, adjust it to your needs and you can even sleep with it between your legs! There will be no further explanation forthcoming as to why that is a benefit.
I like it. Just may have to get one from this place after the holidays.
Posted in Blather | 4 Comments »
Saturday, December 14th, 2002
This is so touching, and so true. Have your Flash player ready, and some tissues. Oh, and I recommend turning up speakers. It really enhances the experience.
Technical Difficulties
Posted in Rant | 3 Comments »
Friday, December 13th, 2002
Am I the only person who gets easily bored with their domain name?
I am so NOT liking my domain name and my blog name right now. No sass. Nothing that screams “Come See Me, a Really Cool Blog Girl live here!”
I blame Joanie for this. She has seamlessly become simply “Da Goddess".
My name is Robin, but there is already a far more famous “Robyn” out there.
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Posted in Blather | 21 Comments »
Wednesday, December 11th, 2002
If you click one link today, let it be this one.
I highly recommend going back to the days already past, especially day 8.
Posted in Pimpin' | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, December 11th, 2002
Ain’t the internet grand? Otherwise, we might never have heard of the:
Liberated Christians
“Cyber Swing/Polyamory Resource Center - Promoting Intimacy and Other-Centered Sexuality”
Posted in Adult | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, December 11th, 2002
Hey, send in a picture of your Christmas Tree to the Tree Blog!
Here’s mine!
My mom gave this to me last yaer (our very last time together) and I shall treasure it always.
Posted in Pimpin' | 4 Comments »
Tuesday, December 10th, 2002
I have finally realized how I have been feeling lately. I feel like the rest of the world is in a big glass bubble and I am on the outside, beating on the glass, hoping anyone will notice me and let me in.
But no one does.
I am hoping painting will help me get these feelings out.
Posted in Blather | 9 Comments »
Tuesday, December 10th, 2002
To: President Bush
Since you are so concerned about mass destruction, how about throwing some billions toward the Spain area where the Prestige is leaking tons of oil every day?
Or God Forbid, towards global warming? In case you need proof that it is happening, Greenland is melting.
Posted in Rant | 1 Comment »
Monday, December 9th, 2002
Found at *also gone*
Link removed because now the domain is for sale by one of those freaks.
Ickle Robins
Distinguished by their brightly coloured breasts…
…What more do you want in a cover girl?
Posted in Pimpin' | 1 Comment »
Monday, December 9th, 2002
This is my plug for Blogrolling. I truly wish everyone had it. I can pretty much guarantee you once you try it, you would wonder how you got along without it.
Yes, my reasons for wishing you had it are selfish, I love how it shows that you have recently updated your blog, so I can come visit.
I still wish YOU had it.
That’s right… you, over there, at the keyboard. I’m talkin’ to you.
Posted in Pimpin' | 14 Comments »
Monday, December 9th, 2002
Here is what happens when you do not sleep.
You take pictures of your desk.
Yes, that is Burt Lancaster in the photo.
Yes, that does just happen to be a lovely suede whip from Good Vibrations.
Yes, that is the 2002 Hallmark Peace on Earth ornament.
And, yes, that is the new scanner which threatened to eat me during install.
Posted in Blather | 2 Comments »
Sunday, December 8th, 2002
In my previous entry, I showed you the cover of the Paul Revere and the Raiders Greatest Hits CD.
After I posted it, I went back online to make sure I had spelled Mark Lindsay’s name correctly.
And guess what I found?
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Posted in Blather | 5 Comments »
Sunday, December 8th, 2002
Well, obviously, I got my RAM installed correctly or I would not be here.
And to show you that the scanner is working, I scanned in
this particularly humorous album cover.
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Posted in Blather | 1 Comment »
Sunday, December 8th, 2002
That night was like any other night. Driving home from Los Angeles Valley College with my then husband, headed up some street in the San Fernando Valley. Radio was on…
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Posted in Blather | 3 Comments »
Saturday, December 7th, 2002
Ugh. I missed my damn appointment with the psychiatrist this morning. I overslept. I feel like an idiot! I took some melatonin to help me sleep, and it sure did! Too well, apparently. Thankfully, he called and I can see him Monday morning.
The very next thing I am going to do is upgrade the RAM in my computer. I have the sticks of RAM sitting right here, I just have not done it. Then, I am hooking up a scanner.
So, if you never hear from me again, you know it was some RAM/scanner accident.
Posted in Blather | 4 Comments »
Friday, December 6th, 2002
You really must go to Statia’s site and enjoy the post called “insert comment here”.
I need some action figures.
But I’d probably put them in bondage. I guess that would be okay though.
Posted in Memes | 1 Comment »
Friday, December 6th, 2002
Whoa. I was just reading Scott’s blog and his entry called USA-Patriot Act Abuses Begin. The thought that a normal camera wielding citizen can be apprehended by the police, have his property taken, and then all evidence that it happened destroyed should be nightmare material for everyone in this country.
I have rewritten this entry several times, because I am not as eloquent as some who write on these issues. I want to shake the people who are not taking this seriously.
As for me, all I can do is follow my gut. And this feels WRONG! And to those who say “This will not affect me! I am an American, and I have a job” and whatever else you think is going to make you exempt from government abuses of your freedom, I implore you to read this poem. And THINK about it.
First they came for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up,
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.
by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945
Posted in Rant | No Comments »
Friday, December 6th, 2002
How the hell did THIS email get into my inbox?
Damn Republican Spammers!
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Posted in Rant | 6 Comments »
Friday, December 6th, 2002
The continuing adventures of a girl who is trying to achieve better living through chemicals.
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Posted in Blather | 2 Comments »
Friday, December 6th, 2002
So as not to spoil it in case you have not seen it, you will have to click to see it.
First, a shout out to my dear friend Gurn* who lives in a different time zone and calls me to gloat that he knows what happened on Survivor.
Thank you, Gurn for not giving it away.
*name changed to protect…Gurn’s cat.
Okay, on to my blathering.
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Posted in Entertainment | 7 Comments »
Thursday, December 5th, 2002
This is intriguing.
44 years ago, Italian Nemo Cianelli packed his bags, and told his family he was headed to America.
He was never seen nor heard from again.
Until now.
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Posted in Rant | 5 Comments »
Thursday, December 5th, 2002
Why did no one tell me he was in the People Magazine Sexiest Man Alive Issue?
Thank heavens there was a copy in my doctor’s office, or I would never have known.
(The Ben cover scared me away from purchasing it)
Anyway, if you missed it too, here is his snippet.
I fully expect to see him on that cover one of these days.
Posted in Entertainment | 5 Comments »
Thursday, December 5th, 2002
C’mon Baby! Represent! Go get your proud blue bandana here:
Ain’t too proud to blog-Blogger Wars
and let’s show those East Siiiiiiide blogger where it’s at!
When you’re West Siiiide,
You’re West Siiiide all the way…
from your first cigarette,
to your last dyin’ day!
When you’re West Siiiide,
If the spit hits the fan,
You got family around,
You’re a family blogger!
When you’re West Siiiide,
You…stay…a…WEST SIIIIDE!!!
*lookin’ to kick some East Siiiide ass after the first of the year. Oh yeah!*
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Posted in Rant | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
I rarely watch those newsmagazines, but tonight, I did.
The interview with Whitney Houston was nearly as bad as David and Liza on ET.
I cannot believe some of the things that came out of her mouth!
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Posted in Blather | 11 Comments »
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
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Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
Near where I live, there is a 400-year old oak tree. Standing tall and proud, been there longer than USA has been a country. Imagine how many people have slept beneath it?
Anyway, of course, it must be cut down now because they need a new lane in a street for anticipated growth.
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Posted in Rant | No Comments »
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
seems to be in my head.
So, here, go throw some snowballs!
Be prepared for some language! Not sure WHAT language!
Posted in Memes | 3 Comments »
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
with thanks to my sister Princess for this!
Posted in Blather | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
And to your lovely Wife Afton, who shares the same birthday!
Hope your day is wonderful!

*pushes Joanie away*
“He is MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Posted in Happy...! | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
1. Go out and buy gifts, or shop online/mail order? Both!
2. Gift cards/certificates or pick out gifts? Gifts for the sane ones in my family, gift cards for the not so sane.
3. Pay cash or charge holiday gifts? Paying Cash this year
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Posted in Memes | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
Reading Sea ‘Doc’ .net: Yet Another Liberty Extinguished is horrifying!
Here’s the snippet that should make you shiver with fear:
“The Bush administration is developing a parallel legal system in which terrorism suspects – U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike – may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system, lawyers inside and outside the government say.”
I truly think Bush is completely running amuck. These are American Citizens he is going to do this to… what right does he have to take away our rights?
And what is frightening as well are the blogs that are coming up which are really condemning anyone who doesn’t completely cosign Dubya’s bullshit.
Count me out. I want him and his scary cronies out of there. Before our rights are gone, before our earth is destroyed.
Mama no like him!
Posted in Rant | 10 Comments »
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2002
I have been working on a holiday blog look for several days. But, as always, I get caught up in political correctness. For myself, I stay away from “Jesus is the reason for the season” kind of stuff and stick to the fluffier stuff, like snowmen, reindeers, that kind of celebratory character.
BUT as a kid who grew up with a Jewish parent, if anything, I am more sensitive to the lack of festivies geared at Hanukkah. So, I tried to include something Hanukkah like.
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Posted in Blather | 4 Comments »
Monday, December 2nd, 2002
Oh dear, does this give too much away?
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Posted in Memes | 2 Comments »
Monday, December 2nd, 2002
I was just sitting down to blog a rebel yell and saw that Maddy feels as I do!
Just today, at least four people said to me:
“Can you believe it is December already?”
I so wanted to say “Uh, yeah. It has happened this way, right after November for as long as I can remember. Does it surprise you?”
I hate when people ask silly questions.
Another is “Can you believe how fast the year has gone?”
I always want to say “Why, no! Actually, it has been the slowest year of my life, a virtual living hell! Every day I wake up and it is still 2002!”
I’m simply too polite.
Posted in Rant | 1 Comment »
Monday, December 2nd, 2002
I hate how you ask me to play a certain song for YOU when I get up to put on a CD for me. Do I look like a DJ?
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Sunday, December 1st, 2002
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Sunday, December 1st, 2002
So, Trading Spaces goes to Britain and borrows Handy Andy from Changing Rooms for an episode.
Seems like it would be a good idea, right?
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Posted in Entertainment | 9 Comments »
Sunday, December 1st, 2002
I read about this at forty.something!
I have created The Queendom of Groovy!
Click to read a snippet about my nation!
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Posted in Memes | 3 Comments »
Sunday, December 1st, 2002
Woohoo! It’s December.
And to celebrate, I am going to visit Woody’s World of Penis Euphemisms every day!
“Auger-headed gut wrench” <
Posted in Blather | No Comments »
Sunday, December 1st, 2002
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. -
Henry David Thoreau
Posted in Lyrics.Poems.Quotes | No Comments »